Social Action/Tikkun Olam
Social Action/Tikkun Olam
Areviut (Community Responsibility)
If you want to get involved with Social Action at Etz Chayim, you've come to the right page:
- Check out the Areiviut (Community Responsibility) Committee and the Impact Teams. Areivut (עריבות) translated from Hebrew, means "responsibility” or guarantee -- responsibility to one's community and responsibility to the world.
Direct link for safe parking proposal for members to read.
- Here is the list of impact teams:
- Mitzvah Chavurah
- Mitzvah Singers
- Housing
- Food for the Hungry
- Immigration
- Manzanita Coalition
- Etz Chayim Teen Chai Tikkun Olam Projects
- Anti-Racism Impact Team (ARIT)
- Jewish and Israel Action Committee
- Browse the Social Action Bulletin Board
- Sign up on the Etz Chayim Social Action Email List
- Check out our Local Resources List
Tue, September 10 2024 7 Elul 5784