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Etz Chayim Areivut Committee


The Etz Chayim Areivut Committee is an umbrella committee and focal point for the community support and social justice work we do at Etz Chayim.

Areivut (עריבות) translated from Hebrew, means "responsibility” or guarantee -- responsibility to one's community and responsibility to the world. We live in a time of intense individualism. Jewish tradition points towards seeing ourselves as part of a large whole and that we are jointly responsible for one another. Our tradition expresses this in a simple story

“The people of Israel are similar to a ship. If there is a hole in the lower hold, one does not say, ‘Only the lower hold has a hole in it.’ Rather they must immediately recognize that the ship is liable to sink and that they care for one another. If one of us in trouble, we must all join together to repair the hole. (Tanna De Bei Eliyahu Rabbah Chapter 11)

The committee is comprised of a Chairperson, Rabbi Koritzinsky and leaders of independent "impact teams" that formulate team agendas and drive outreach and action in their areas. The Areivut Committee meets regularly and includes the impact team leaders and members at large. Currently we are focusing on these issues in the diagram. We are constantly evolving so that we can continue to focus on emerging issues.

Impact Teams Serving our responsibility to Etz Chayim Community


Mitzvah Chavurah  

If you’re interested in joining us, please contact Sue Weber and LIz Shane.





One of the first "committees" formed by our congregation, Mitzvah Chavurah has been serving up meals and supporting congregants at shiva minyanim for 25 years. Mitzvah Chavurah consists of congregants on a Google-list, who are willing to sign up to help other congregants as needs arise. Mitzvah Chavurah volunteers might give rides to services, deliver home-cooked meals, run errands or do shopping for someone who is ill and unable to, or call and/or visit someone isolated at home


Mitzvah Singers  

For more information contact   Karen Bergen and Sarah Macaluso at the Mitzvah Singers 




The Mitzvah Singers rehearse multipart Jewish music and music composed by Jews to perform during concerts at local senior residences, as well as during small group visits when infirm members are in the hospital or at home and can’t travel to services.   The group is not meeting during stay-at-home order.


Impact Teams Serving our responsibility to Etz Chayim Community and to Our Local and World Community


Jewish and Israel Action Committee 

If you’re interested in joining us, please contact Martin Griss.


Jewish and Israel Action Committee - (JIAC) is a group of congregants who are proud and inspired by the accomplishments and contributions of Israel and Jews, We both articulate the positive aspects and work to refute misunderstandings and deliberate lies of the BDS and anti-Israel and anti-Semitic activities.


Anti-Racism Impact Team (ARIT)

If you’re interested in joining us, please contact Rabbi Amy Eilberg.

ARIT Purpose Statement: To express our moral commitment and moral courage as Jews and as members of the Etz Chayim community to address issues of race, racism, and implicit bias directed toward all people of color by:

  • Sponsoring educational programs on issues of race throughout the United States and locally
  • Creating space for deeper exploration, introspection and awareness of our biases in order to do our personal part toward dismantling racism
  • Providing opportunities to build relationship, create and strengthen friendship and commitment with local people and institutions of color
  • Building coalitions with like-minded congregations and communities for action for learning and action
  • Organizing and guiding action for racial justice in the Etz Chayim community, the local community, and nationally


Impact Teams Serving our responsibility to Our Local and World Community


If you’re interested in joining us, please contact David Bergen and Lisa Ratner




The Housing Impact Team is working on initiatives to alleviate the housing crisis in our area, focusing on both short and longer-term initiatives to provide safe and affordable housing. We have worked on local efforts to provide safe parking for vehicle dwellers, advocated for local affordable housing, and alternative financing approaches to keep housing affordable.



Food for the Hungry

To become involved with the Food for the Hungry impact team, contact Mark Lee.




The Food for the Hungry impact team conducts regular fundraising drives for the Second Harvest Food Bank, and canned food donations for Ecumenical Hunger Project. In addition, we help organize the annual canned food drive at Kol Nidre.




If you're interested in participating, please contact Dana Kornfeld.




The Immigration Impact Team  has been working to find meaningful ways to support recent immigrants and refugee resettlement efforts in the Bay Area, as well as address the refugee crisis at the Southern border.  We have partnered with Spark Church to help new Americans in the US. Together we have hosted speakers and hosted joint events related to recently arrived refugees, undocumented immigrants, sanctuary cities, DACA and border detention camps.


Teen Chai Tikkun Olam Projects - Youth Activism/Involvement

For more information contact    Henry Shane and Abra Greenspan at Teen Chai.




Etz teens in grades 9 through 12 have the opportunity to engage in hands-on tikkun olam projects & events with Etz teens in a social environment through Teen Chai. Teen Chai meets with Etz Director of Learning, Abra Greenspan. A sample of recent projects by Teen Chai include:

  • Assembling Holiday in an Envelope packets for Jewish patients in Bay Area hospitals as part of the Bay Area Jewish Healing Center outreach at Rosh HaShanah/Yom Kippur, Chanukah and Passover

  • Essential Heros Campaign - Joining a group of local teens who started Essential Heroes Campaign with the goal of showing appreciation to local essential workers. See @essentialheroescampaign on instagram.

  • Assembling gift bags with toiletries and treats for Shalom Bayit clients

  • Interfaith Teen Climate Program - Participating in this program sponsored by California Interfaith Power and Light with teens from other local congregations to learn about climate science and discuss and discover concrete actions we can take

  • Exploring post-COVID SIP volunteer opportunities through Youth First, a Jewish Family and Childrens' Services program.


Manzanita Coalition - Community organizing

If you are interested in more information about the Manzanita Coalition, contact Kate Lorig




Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784