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Etz Chayim Social Action Email List
Etz Chayim Social Action Email List
Etz Chayim Social Action Email List
Join the Etz Chayim Action Group mailing list.
The EtzChayimAction@googlegroups.com distribution list is for member-to-member conversation to:
Promote social justice
Build relationships with other like-minded individuals
Agree on core areas of interest
Discuss local opportunities to act
Attend rallies
Meet with government officials
The member-to-member conversations represent individual viewpoints and not the official Etz Chayim perspective. Individuals elect to become members of this group.
To join the mailing list, send a email to EtzChayimAction+subscribe@googlegroups.com
Then watch your email for messages that ask you to join the group. The message is from googlegroups.com. There will be either one or two messages depending on if you have a gmail account. You do not need a gmail account to subscribe to the group.
You should receive an email asking you to confirm.
REPLY to this message, do not use the BLUE button.
If you have troubles joining contact Ted Schachter. or send an email to areivut@etzchayim.org.
Sun, February 9 2025
11 Shevat 5785