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Shorashim - Roots (Grades 2-5)

Students in grades 2-5 are organized by grade-level chavurot which are named for Shivat Ha-Minim  (The Seven Species of plants that grow in the land of Israel as mentioned in Deuteronomy 8:8 ). Our students learn in banded cohorts of two grades. This offers students (and families) an opportunity to interact across grade level and creates a strong sense of identity, both in their grade-level cohorts and as a broader community. This system is enhanced by our Chevruta Buddy System where older students partner with younger students and through shared snack/meals and recess whenever we are together as a learning community.

Grade 2: Sacred Space and Sacred Time - The Jewish Calendar and Sanctifying Time 

What are the significant dates and events in the Jewish Calendar? When and how do we celebrate these holidays? How does the Jewish calendar work and how does that relate to the phases of the moon? What does it mean to set aside specific times for special and sacred commemorations? How can time be made holy? And, where do we do these celebrations? We explore finding the sacred and holy in Jerusalem, at the synagogue, in nature, at home and in our hearts.

Our 3rd grade students are also introduced to basic Hebrew reading skills and  learn many prayers from the Friday evening Shabbat service liturgy. They will co-lead a Friday evening service  with the 4th grade students and the rabbi.

Grade 3: The Mothers and Fathers of the Jewish People

We meet the avot v'imahot, the mothers and fathers who appear in B'reishit, the Book of Genesis in the Torah. We follow Abraham on his epic journey, receive hospitality in the tent of Abraham and Sarah, make the stew that Jacob served his brother Esau, and bring to life other important stories from the Torah.  We use these stories to explore the moral and ethical teachings, values and mitzvot that inspire our contemporary Jewish lives and help us find our place in the Jewish Family.  We also introduce Hebrew letters and vocabulary through interactive games and study.

Grades 4 and 5: Giborim - Jewish Leaders and Heroes

In this two-year curriculum, students are introduced to a variety of Jewish leaders from Biblical times through today. Learning about these important figures introduces students to Jewish history and values. Who were these people? What did they do? What can we learn from them about what it means to live ethically and responsibly, ensuring that our actions are rooted in Jewish values and tradition. Each year, the teachers create lessons around Jewish leaders that inspire them. Some examples include: Abraham, Moses, Miriam, Queen Esther, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Theodore Herzl, King David, Clara Lemlich, Eliezer ben Yehudah, David Ben-Gurion, Golda Meir, Moses Maimonides, Rashi, Dona Gracia Nasi, Gal Gadot, Emma Lazarus, Rabbi Akiva, Hillel and Shammai, and more.

Our 4th and 5th grade students continue developing their Hebrew reading skills and prayer leading skills. 4th grade students will co-lead a Friday evening service with the 3rd grade and one with the 5th grade. 5th grade will lead a Friday evening service with the 4th grade and a Saturday morning service with 6th grade.

Grades 2-5 meet on Sunday, 9:30 am-12:00 pm. In addition, we have Mishpacha Days (Family Days) planned. Kol Bo Mishpacha Days enable families which multiple children in different grades to learn together as a family.  Chavurah Mishpacha Days offer opportunities for children in a particular banded cohort to learn with their parents. Kol Bo Misphacha Days focus on Jewish values such as Tikkun Olam, Chavurah Mishpacha Days are based in the curriculum for that cohort.

Grades 3-5 also meet on Wednesday, 4:00-6:00 pm.


Grade 2: $1100 for Etz Chayim members, $1300 for non-members.

Grades 3-5: $1580, families must be Etz Chayim members.

Sun, February 9 2025 11 Shevat 5785