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Adult Bar/t Mitzvah 2025-2026

Adult Bar/t Mitzvah 2025-2026
Tuesdays 7:15 - 8:45 pm

Register below for the Core program and the
skills-based components you are interested in.

Core Jewish Learning  $270
Every other Tuesday evening 7:15-8:45, begins January 14, 2025
This course will cover many aspects of Jewish history, culture, theology, practice, prayer, tradition, and, of course, holidays!
  • 18 1.5-hour sessions from January through November (one session in June, none in July)
  • in-person and online with reading assignments in between

Basic Hebrew Reading/Decoding  $105
Every other Tuesday evening 7:15-8:45, begins January 21
For people who want to be able to read from the Torah and the Hebrew in our prayer books.
  • 7 1.5-hour sessions from January to April
  • in-person and online with practice assignments in between

Service Leading $75
Every other Tuesday evening 7:15-8:45, begins April 29
For people who want to lead a service (with or without reading from the Torah)
  • 5 1.5 hour sessions from April to June
  • in person

Learning Trop $90 
For people who want to learn trop and to chant from the Torah at an Adult Bar/t Mitzvah service on January 17 or January 24, 2026
  • approximately six sessions in the fall, after High Holy Days

For confidential conversation regarding tuition costs, please reach out to Ellen Bob.

We look forward to learning together.

Sun, February 9 2025 11 Shevat 5785